Friday, September 21, 2012

Scramble eggs- an easy way to get your kids to clear their plate!

As a stay at home mom, I control what my kids eat and put into their bodies. I believe its important that I introduce my sons to good eating habits and healthier food choices at a young age. The way I see it is simple: If they learn to make healthier decisions now, it will stick with them for a life time.

Of course, THEY'RE KIDS! And every kid deserves some junk food and candy now a then.. Soda? No questions here! Soda is not even a option for my kids!

My sons also know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gets your brain firing up and body pumped for the day. (Although, when I first mentioned to my sons that breakfast "fires" up the brain...they were kinna hesitant to eat their meal. They had to devourer their eggs while wearing their firemen hats and rain boots.)

We try to stay away from sugary cereals..but hey, I'm not perfect and sometimes- cereal is just so much easier. My sons favorite breakfast meal is scrambled eggs. But, after awhile they got kind of bored of it and wouldn't finish what was on their plate. That's when I decided to add some fun to their eggs. Cuz, hey!.. As a mom we would do anything to get our kids to eat.

(I just want to add that I like to add some milk and cheese to my kids scrambled eggs..just to get some extra dairy in there..)

After the eggs are fully cooked, the shaping begins. I started off making, "Sponge bob eggs." Easy-shape the eggs into a square and outline it with some ketchup. I would add meat or fruit for arms, legs and eyes. If your kids don't like ketchup you can outline with jelly.
(ABOVE) I used apple slices, grapes and strawberry jelly.
I've also used turkey sausage cut into thin strips. Turkey/sliced deli chicken rolled up. Whatever I had in the fridge that would taste good with eggs. ;)

To outline the eggs I placed ketchup inside a Zip lock baggy and then cut off a little piece of the corner.
Squish the ketchup to one corner and then twist the remaining bag. Squeeze away and create!
Soon I got bored with making Sponge bob eggs every morning so I figured I'd mix it up and surprise my sons. I attempted to make a starfish for Patrick but it just wasn't working. I took out my bread cutter and tried shaping the eggs that way. Soon, I learned that by placing the bread cutter/cookie cutter on the plate then shove the eggs inside helped the eggs stay in form.
I was so excited about giving them something new, I placed two M&Ms as eyes. An extra bonus for them. They loved it!!
 I mostly use berries or grapes for the eyes. Just as tasty as candy!!
Soon I became a scramble egg shaping PRO! =)
Wheat waffles, orange slices and CORDUROY eggs! Yes, Corduroy! They loved it! While they ate their eggs I read them one of their favorite books, "Corduroy."
That day they compared Asian elephants to African elephants. Which one has bigger ears? =P
Christmas tree eggs. One odd request from my youngest son.
While my oldest requested Goldfish eggs.
Eggs, cookie cutters and some imagination!
 Remember, our kids imaginations are greater than you it may look like roadkill, but to your kids its a dog riding a skateboard. So don't give up and have some fun with it! =)

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